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Address: Shinagh House, Dunmanway Road, Bandon, Co. Cork, P72 TY31
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Share options / Share Registers

Make the correct tax payment on any share options

A share option is a right that your employer grants you to acquire shares in the company. The shares may be at no cost to you (nil option) or at a pre-determined price your employer sets. You must pay Income Tax on any gain you make on the exercise, assignment or release of a share option.

Any income tax due on the exercise of the option is chargeable under self-assessment.

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) may also be due when you dispose of your shares.

Talk to a member of our experienced team in relation to making the relevant tax payment on any share options exercised along with associated USC and PRSI payments to revenue.


Share Registers


We can prepare a detailed share register for you detailing all of the share options you hold and the critical dates involved.

Want to know more? Our experienced team can help:

Lisa O'Connell

Managing Director

Email Lisa

John O'Sullivan

Audit Director

Email John

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